Monday 1 August 2016

Alberto Del Rio and Jinder Mahal

Some News On Current WWE Superstar Alberto Del Rio and Former WWE Superstar Jinder Mahal

This news is courtesy of Brandon Hodge on Youtube, check him out he posts really great and informative content.

Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio signed a contract with the WWE back in October. It was a year long contract that is coming to an end in the next couple months however, if Del Rio wants he may get out of the contract one month early in September. He has said that he does not like his position in the WWE right now, probably because he's in the lower mid card. I hope Alberto Del Rio signs with them again in October and hopefully they'll use him in more meaningful story lines if he does. However if he doesn't leave in September he'll probably be gone once his contract expires in October.

Jinder Mahal

There have been reports that Jinder Mahal will be returning to the WWE with the Raw roster and it looks like it will be tonight. On his wikipedia page it says that Mahal resigned with WWE July 27th, and is expected to make his return on the August 1st edition of Raw. I guess we'll wait and see if this post proves to be accurate but I personally would like to see Jinder Mahal back since the last time he was in WWE he was in that 3MB thing with Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre. Basically he was a jobber. Which sucked because I liked him and thought he had potential, maybe they'll do something cool with him if he happens to return tonight.

That's been the news, hope you enjoyed and
Until next time,
Devon Wizard

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