Wednesday 17 August 2016

Raw August 15th 2016


The final show before a huge Summerslam, what was set to happen?

Seth Rollins Searches For The Demon King

Raw opened with Seth Rollins standing outside and he was calling out for the Demon King. When the Demon obviously didn't show, Seth said "If The Demon King isn't gonna' find The Man, The Man will find the Demon King."

Rusev and Lana Complain 

The show kicks off with Rusev and Lana in the ring, holding Raw hostage by refusing to leave the ring until Roman Reigns comes out and apologizes for ruining their "Celebration Of Love" last week. Instead of Roman Reigns, Mick Foley came out. Rusev complains to Foley saying Roman has done nothing to deserve the opportunity at Summerslam he's been granted, and to be fair he hasn't but shhh. Rusev then demands that someone with real authority come out; Stephanie McMahon. Steph then comes out. 

Stephanie however tells Rusev off for expecting respect when he doesn't give any to his General Manager Mick Foley. Rusev was just saying how he should go to Smackdown because Shane knows and shows his talent respect, when Roman Reigns came out. Roman Reigns apologized...but instead of for ruining the Celebration Of Love he apologized to Rusev for finding the website he met his wife on...oh shit. The two look like they're about to fight but Mick separates them, saying if Rusev wants to defend his wifes honour he will tonight in the main event against Roman Reigns. I have to say I think this is stupid. You're giving away a match on free tv that we already know we're going to see on the pay per view in less than a week???

Sami Zayn defeated Sheamus 

In a clash of the gingers (that was for you Andrew, my favourite ginger) the two brawled before the match even started. Once it started though Cesaro had gone on commentary and briefly talked about how Sheamus cost him the United States Championship last week. Just as it looked like Sheamus was going to hit the Brogue Kick, he was distracted by Cesaro, and thanks to the Bald Swiss Superman Sami Zayn was able to hit the Heluva Kick for the win. This caused controversy backstage between Cesaro and Sheamus leading to Mick scheduling the start of a best of 7 series that would be starting at Summerslam. I think it's obvious that Cesaro at least should win this and best of 7 is a lot but they're both good performers so it could end up being a diamond in the rough. 

The New Day defeated The Dudley Boyz

Since Big E is still injured in kayfabe, it was only Kofi and Xavier fighting tonight. Nonetheless they easily pinned the Dudleys for the win after Kofi hit Trouble In Paradise on D-Von. That's about it really, it's kind of sad though how the Dudleys were riding so much momentum when they came back nearly a year ago and now they lose nearly every match. 

Nia Jax defeated another jobber

For maybe the third or fourth week in a row Nia Jax was on the winning side of a Squash Match and they're getting kind of boring, however there isn't really much for her to do at the moment so I guess the least they can do is keep elevating her, which is what they're doing. 

Brock Lesnar Challenged by Heath Slater

Brock Lesnar, accompanied of course by Paul Heyman, came out. As Paul was just about to begin his promo, Heath Slater's music hit. Heath came out and basically told Paul and Brock that he was being given another chance at a Raw contract and all he had to do was beat Brock Lesnar. Paul tried to convince him what he's doing is stupid, but Heath said he had to provide for his kids at home. When Paul tried to warn him again Brock took the mic and invited Heath in the ring to talk about his kids. 

Heath got in and Brock stepped right in to his face and said "I don't give a shit about your kids." Brock then told Heath he had two options; 1. he could walk away on two legs or 2. he could stand there and keep pissing Brock off. Heath initially looked to be leaving but turned around to throw punches, only to take two suplexes from Lesnar and an F-5. Paul then went on to cut a great promo where in a nutshell said that at Summerslam Lesnar will not only beat Orton but steal the show doing so. Weird segment that I knew Heath wouldn't come out on top of but kind of wanted to...IM SORRY I JUST REALLY LIKE HEATH SLATER!

Big Cass defeated Kevin Owens by Disqualification 

The match itself was just okay, the rising action started when Jericho knocked down Enzo outside the ring causing Cass to come out and chase Chris. Owens tried to intercept him but Cass took him down with ease, only for Jericho to pounce on Cass. The two on one assault spilled in the ring and ended with a Superkick from Owens and then a Code Breaker from Jericho. So hyped for JeriKO at Summerslam like AHHHHH.

The Shining Stars defeated The Prime Time Players

On the Raw pre show, both Titus and Darren decided to settle their differences by reuniting the Prime Time Players for one night only. However, after Darren inadvertently knocked Titus off the ring apron, Titus interfered and performed Clash Of The Titus on Darren allowing Primo to pin him for the win. Now I should probably talk about Darren and Titus but I more want to talk about what The Shining Stars are up to. I actually really like them and their gimmick I just wish they'd have something done with them because I actually really like them. 

Neville defeated Jinder Mahal

I was disappointed when I saw this because I knew one of them would take a huge momentum blow from a loss, and sadly it was Jinder Mahal who got pinned pretty straight up after Neville hit the Red Arrow. On one hand it's like yay it elevates Neville but I'd rather see Jinder Mahal get a push and unfortunately it looks as though he's getting the opposite of that, 

Seth Rollins Calls Out The Demon King

After Mick Foley suggested Seth call out The Demon from the ring, Seth went out to do just that. After no response though Seth told the world Finn is only trying to intimidate him because he's scared of him. He was about to explain how he's the face of Finn's failure when the lights began to flicker and a weird voice started saying something. The lights went out and started flickering red as The Demon made his entrance. The two stared down before Seth Rollins attacked, only for The Demon to fight back. Seth narrowly avoided a Coup De Grace and was sent retreating from The Demon. This match coming up at Summerslam feels really special and it's honestly one of the one's I'm more excited for. 

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated The Golden Truth

After hitting the Magic Killer on Goldust, Gallows and Anderson were able to pick up the win. However during their celebration Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston came from behind and attacked them. Xavier was just about to avenge Big E by hitting Karl Anderson in the nads with his trombone, but Gallows narrowly pulled him out of harms way. This leads me to wonder whether Big E will be kayfabe healed or not by Summerslam, and if not I think we might see a title change...

Charlotte and Dana Brooke Backstage

Charlotte and Dana were backstage before Charlotte's match and they were arguing about how Dana lost to Sasha Banks last week. Before leaving Charlotte threatened to replace with Dana with someone who isn't an epic failure, showing some cracks in the Dana Brooke-Charlotte relationship. 

Charlotte defeated Alicia Fox

Charlotte easily beat Alicia Fox, pinning her after hitting Natural Selection. After the match Charlotte waved Sasha who was on commentary to come down to the ring. When she did she was attacked from behind by that snake Dana Brooke, allowing Charlotte to lock in her signature Figure Eight for a good while. Seems like unfortunately Dana and Charlotte are still together, at least Dana will be banned from ringside at Summerslam. 

Roman Reigns defeated Rusev 

So I know that at the start of this I was all "this is stupid blah blah blah" and pouted and such and I still think it was stupid but at the same time I thought it was a really good match and in a way got me even more excited for their match at Summerslam. Of course the finish was as expected with Reigns going over clean but that doesn't really matter because this was a good match. 

Star Of The Night: Roman Reigns vs Rusev

I feel like I'm being a hypocrite here but seriously, in a match that I thought initially would make people less excited for their match on Sunday, it somehow got me even more excited and I think it's because since it's a pay per view they must promise better, and since that was already a fantastic match I really want to see them go at it again, and this time for the United States Championship. Don't get me wrong I still don't like Roman Reigns but...he's doing well. 

That's been my coverage of Raw check back tomorrow for the Smackdown coverage. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @devon_wizard and
Until next time,
Devon Wizard

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