Tuesday 9 August 2016

Raw August 8th 2016


With Summerslam just two weeks away this episode of Raw was one of the last before the event meaning matches were to be made.

Enzo and Cass 

Raw kicked off with Enzo and Cass coming out and Enzo complaining how last week Jericho interrupted his flirt sesh with Sasha Banks. Enzo began to roast Chris Jericho and after he finished, who else would come out but Chris Jericho himself. Jericho said the only reason Enzo is still around is because when his mouth makes a mess Big Cass comes to clean it up. Jericho then noted that at least Cass had Enzo's back, but now Jericho had someone watching his back too. That's when Kevin Owens' music hit.

JeriKO, which is an awesome team, went down to the ring and Jericho claimed they had each others backs through thick and thin. Owens then said he would hurt Big Cass, Chris joined in but then Cass challenged Jericho to a match but despite looking right at Cass, Jericho claimed he was talking to Enzo. So the two were in a match but first off YES! I love Jericho and Owens together! Their chemistry is undeniable and they're super entertaining.

Chris Jericho defeated Enzo Amore by Disqualification 

During the match Kevin Owens interfered by grabbing at Enzo's ankle. This distraction allowed Jericho to hit the Code Breaker on Enzo, however Big Cass didn't like how this was going so he hopped in the ring and gave Jericho a Big Boot, disqualifying Enzo and giving Jericho the win. Cass picked up the mic and challenged JeriKO to a match at Summerslam and they accepted which is awesome! This is a match I'm really excited for especially for JeriKO. I hope Owens and Jericho win in their debut together as a legitimate team. 

Braun Strowman defeated Jorel Nelson

For the third week in a row Braun Strowman was on the winning end of another squash match and it's kind of getting old. Like okay we gotcha, he's a spooky dude, now put him in a feud or in a match where the opponent gets one form of offense in at least.

Darren Young defeated Titus O'Neil

After the controversy that went down last week between these two, they were involved in a rematch. However this time when Bob Backlund wasn't looking, Darren Young rolled Titus up and pulled at his tights for leverage to win, just like Titus did last week. This is starting to intrigue me since Bob Backlund is all about no cheating and also since Darren and Titus are former partners. Although a lot of people may disagree I kind of like this mini feud. 

Seth Rollins Promo

Seth Rollins came out claiming he wanted to talk about Finn Balor, and how Balor means Demon King. Seth explained how no one thinks he can conquer the Demon, but he conquered the Beast, he conquered the Face That Runs The Place, he conquered the Roman Empire, and come Summerslam he will conquer Finn Balor. It was then confirmed that next week on Raw Seth Rollins would be calling out the Demon which will be interesting to see whether they'll show the Demon or wait until Summerslam to reveal him to fans who hadn't seen the Demon in NXT. 

Cesaro defeated Sheamus 

In a rematch from last weeks Monday Night Raw, the referee ended up getting in between the two and got knocked in the head by Sheamus. When Sheamus rolled up Cesaro the ref didn't count due to his head injury. Sheamus then clearly showing his frustration went to yell at the ref, but in the process got rolled up by Cesaro who pinned Sheamus for the win. The two actually put on a good performance and I'm glad that Cesaro won so no complaints. 

Neville and Sin Cara defeated The Dudley Boyz

I believe this was Sin Cara's debut on Raw since the brand split and after Neville hit the Red Arrow on D-Von, the two high flyers picked up the win but honestly this seemed like a filler match that was made on the Raw Pre-Show, because that's what it was.

Rusev and Lana's Celebration Of Love

Rusev and Lana came out to share with us some of their photos from their wedding. They were just beginning to insult America when Roman Reigns came out. Roman noticed that Rusev didn't have a best man and offered to make him a toast as his best man. After Rusev declined Roman then challenged Rusev to a match at Summerslam for the US Title. Rusev declined again and the two got in a brawl ending with Roman hitting Rusev in to Lana who got faceplanted in to the cake. 

Backstage Rusev was furious and demanded that Mick Foley punish Roman, however Foley just made it official that at Summerslam Rusev would face off against Roman Reigns for the United States Championship. I like Rusev more although I have to say Roman is growing on me a bit...just a bit.

Sasha Banks defeated Dana Brooke 

The stipulation for this match was if Dana won, the match at Summerslam would be a 2 on 1 handicap, but if Sasha won Dana would be banned from ringside for her match at Summerslam. After some miscommunication between Dana and Charlotte, Charlotte hit Dana Brooke allowing Sasha Banks to hit her signature double knees to the gut from the top rope and pin Dana for the win. I'm glad she won so that the match can be one on one because this sketchy BS she always pulls with Dana is rattling me now that it's being pulled against Sasha. 

Luke Gallows defeated Kofi Kingston

First off it's confirmed that at Summerslam The New Day will defend the Tag Team Championships against Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. Now for the match, Luke Gallows won after doing what he would do in the Boot Of Doom without Karl Anderson, after Anderson distracted Kingston but this match was waaaaaay too short. The tag team champion should be stronger and should last longer in a match than a minute. Kofi looked too weak and this could lead to The New Day's downfall. 

Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan

Mick Foley invited Daniel Bryan out to apologize for Brock Lesnar attacking Randy Orton, and likewise as Daniel apologized for Ortons attack on Lesnar but both apologies had malicious meanings. A clip was then shown where Daniel Bryan was making fun of the Universal Championship. That's when Rusev came out. Rusev began saying that Raw doesn't need another championship because they have a champion, himself. Then Cesaro came out and told Foley that he has proved two weeks in a row he's worthy of a title shot and asked if Foley would keep his promise of giving him a title match. After some peer pressure from both Daniel and Cesaro, Mick agreed and that match would happen right now. 

Rusev(c) defeated Cesaro to retain the United States Championship

This was quite a good match, and it got to a point where Cesaro had Rusev deep in the Sharpshooter when all of a sudden Sheamus jumped up on the apron from out of nowhere. Cesaro jumped up and knocked Sheamus off, but turned around right in to a Superkick from Rusev, but he kicked out at 2! Cesaro then reversed the Accolade and shoved Rusev in to the referee, who was dealing with Sheamus. Cesaro then hit the Gotch Neutralizer and pinned Rusev but by the time the ref started counting Rusev had recovered enough to kick out. Rusev then thumbed Cesaro in the eye who fell to the edge of the ring. Cesaro took a kick from Sheamus who was still outside the ring, and turned around in to another Superkick from Rusev who pinned Cesaro for the win. 

This was a crazy and complex finish to an above average match for sure, but after the match as Rusev was leaving, Roman Reigns came out of nowhere Spearing the United States Champion. The Big Dog stood tall at the end of the show and I'm kind of hoping they make the match at Summerslam a Triple Threat with Cesaro but...they probably won't. 

Star Of The Night: JeriKO

This is literally my dream tag team come true. Every time Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens are together it's entertaining, their personalities just click and I absolutely love the idea of JeriKO being a long time thing. 

A lot of things happened on Raw this week, but more to happen next week with Seth Rollins calling out the Demon, stay tuned.
Until next time,
Devon Wizard

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