Raw kicked off with many superstars in the ring and The Miz on commentary. It was a Battle Royal to determine who would face The Miz at Battleground for the Intercontinental Championship.
Battle Royal to Determine Number One Contender for the Intercontinental Championship
The numbers dwindled surprisingly quick, down to a final five that I could see WWE letting any of win the match. It was Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin, Apollo Crews, and Darren Young. Alberto and Dolph were eliminated and Darren Young sat in the corner as Baron and Apollo fought it out, they both ended up eliminating each other naming Darren Young the number one contender. I don't mind Darren Young I just don't like his whole relationship with Bob Backlund. Still I hope The Miz retains the title.
Stephanie and Shane McMahon Segment
Stephanie and Shane were backstage debating about what Vince McMahon's intentions were, as he was expected on Raw tonight. As they were debating Seth Rollins interrupted and said he had a video of Roman Reigns he'd like to show the world, and he'd like to show it on the first edition of The Rollins Report. Shane and Stephanie agreed and it was set.
At Battleground There Will Be An Edition Of Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel with special guest Randy Orton
This is a bit lackluster for a pay per view but I guess it has some credibility because it's Randy Orton's return.
Zack Ryder Backstage
Backstage Zack Ryder confronts Rusev and challenges him face to face as Rusev requested only to be assaulted from behind by Sheamus who was his opponent for tonight.
Sheamus defeats Zack Ryder
Not sure why they'd have Sheamus win but he pinned Zack after hitting him with the Brogue Kick. After the match Rusev came out and put Zack Ryder in the Accolade screaming "I accept your challenge!" To be honest I kind of want to see Zack pull this one through despite how good of a heel Rusev has been as of late.
Breezango defeats The Lucha Dragons
First the Vaudevillains losing to the Golden Truth and now this? These tag teams are sure losing credibility fast.
The Rollins Report
Seth Rollins explains how he has obtained exclusive footage of an interview between himself and Roman Reigns. In the interview it's obvious that he's manipulated the footage and he manipulated it to make Roman say he doesn't deserve to be in the Triple Threat match at Battleground which after the interview Seth then said how he can now have his one on one rematch with Dean Ambrose that he deserves, and then Dean Ambrose comes out.Dean jokingly complimented Seth on his show which Seth replied by saying Dean is just all jokes, and the biggest joke of them all is his title reign because he stole the title from Seth Rollins at Money In The Bank because he's a coward and scared. Seth also said that at Battleground he will prove what he's always known, that he's the best member of The Shield.

This was great promo work from both Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose and admittedly Dean is correct that he's always been there. I'm super excited for the match next week in hopes that Seth Rollins will win but after that promo I can see either of them winning. However I'm predicting Dean Ambrose will retain.
Kevin Owens defeats Cesaro
Before the match Sami Zayn was on commentary but Kevin Owens refused to go out saying the because of Sami it was an "unsafe working environment." Security escorted Sami out and Kevin Owens beat Cesaro with a swinging neckbreaker. After the match Kevin was attacked by Sami who came from the crowd. Sami threw Kevin back in to the ring where Cesaro gave him the Cesaro Swing. As much as I want Kevin Owens to win at Battleground I feel as though Sami will win. That's a sneak peek for my Battleground predictions.
Backstage with Vince McMahon
The camera showed backstage with Vince McMahon coming out of a limo. Renee Young asked him what his intentions were for tonight and he revealed he would be naming the new commissioner for Smackdown live.
Titus O'Neil defeats Heath Slater
Other than the Social Outcasts being pretty funny for most of the match, especially Bo Dallas' Bo Train, there wasn't much to this. At least we know Vince doesn't hate Titus too much to let him beat Heath Slater.
New Day at the Wyatts Compound
There was a lot of fighting at the dark compound which conveniently had a lot of cars to smash in it. The fight went on until The New Day had just Bray Wyatt cornered, then Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman reappeared flanked by many people wearing goat masks with lanterns. Bray then yelled "Follow The Buzzards!" I need this to be a match at Battleground but if it is I'm not sure who I'd want to win, I like both groups very much.
Enzo and Cass defeat Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson by Disqualification
After AJ Styles interfered in the match by throwing Big Cass over the barricade, the team was disqualified, but not finished with their business. The three were about gang up on the vulnerable Enzo Amore when John Cena's music hit. Big Cass got back in the ring as Cena slid in the ring and evened up the odds. The Club was tossed out the ring and not only am I starting to grow on this match but also this team of Enzo, Cass, and Cena. More excited for the pay per view match then I thought I'd be.
Sasha Banks defeats Dana Brooke
Sasha Banks pinned Dana after reversing the Mitisuka Driver in to the Bank Statement forcing Dana Brooke to submit. After the match Charlotte went on the mic and said that everyone gets lucky and if Sasha Banks thinks she deserves a title shot she'll have to beat Dana Brooke one more time on Smackdown and maybe she'd get a title shot. Honestly in my opinion can't Charlotte just stop being a pussy and defend her title without Dana Brooke protecting her? God.
Vince McMahon Announces The Commissioner
Shane, Stephanie, and Vince McMahon all came out. Vince explained how he was disappointed because neither of them had stabbed each other in the back yet, and he's giving them both the chance to tell him why they should be the commissioner of Smackdown. Stephanie started by saying that Shane constantly stabs people in the back and thinks he knows more about the WWE than Vince. Shane then said he represents change and change is what he would bring to Smackdown. He said he'd break the glass ceilings they put up because they're choking the life out of the company. He told Vince to put him in control if he still had the grapefruits.
Vince said he needs a drumroll before he decides. The new commissioner of Smackdown is...Shane McMahon! Shane began to celebrate but Vince cut it short adding by saying however he would be relieving Shane's duties from Raw so the commissioner of Raw would be Stephanie McMahon! Stephanie began her celebration. Vince stopped it though and said how he isn't finished.
Vince told them he wants them to compete in television ratings, attendance, merchandise, everything. If they do this one of them might just inherit the keys to the kingdom. "Which one of you will prove that you deserve the inheritance?"
Also next week on Raw Vince said that each of them would name General Managers for their respected brands.
After Vince leaves Stephanie looks at Shane and said how she's going to bury Shane and how she's going to bury Smackdown and going to make him wish he wasn't even born. Shane replied by saying he sees fear in her eyes and just like it always has been it's going to be him she's looking up to at the end so game on. Stephanie ended the confrontation by saying "There's only one game in this business, and I'm married to him." She slapped Shane and walked out.
Star Of The Night: Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose
Super pumped that next week Seth Rollins gets a one on one shot for the WWE Championship. Although I want Seth to win a small part of wants Dean to win because he deserves it as he's been chasing it for 2 years. I think Dean will retain but it adds an extra layer to the story.
That's all she wrote, thanks for reading!
Until next time,
Devon Wizard
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